Operational process

Twice annually GOA runs a series Focus Group Meetings (FGM) across the GOA region. These are open to all and welcome key advisors and growers from the region.

During these meetings there is an opportunity to put forward the key issues are that are currently challenging grain production in both the local and broader region. All issues raised are scored by their level of importance to produce a list of research questions that can be ranked in terms of their priority.

It is from these lists that GOA and GRDC can grasp the really important issue against those that are a more peripheral, specific issues to a region to those which ones are common across the whole Northern region. With this knowledge along with guidance of the Board and consultation with industry experts, key investments can be determined

Through the use of this process the appropriation of grower levies are ensured to be applied to the issues that matter to the farmers of the Central West and Western Plains, not just ones prioritised by the researchers.

GOA carefully considers the issues raised and due diligence is applied to ensure that the real research question is clear and that the best pathway to a solution is developed. GOA’s independence as an organisation ensures that it free to engage whatever sector, agency or personnel which is best for the job. The pathway is not bound to any one agency and their personnel as collaborators, it can use any combination to ensure the best and most efficient delivery of outcomes.

GOA itself can also undertake many of these activities, with qualified staff and trial machinery.

The type of activity is not limited either- GOA utilises any number of approaches to seek solutions. These can include  fully replicated plot trials through to large scale farm demonstrations, greenhouse and lab work through to extension activities.

GOA’s funding structure has created quick and responsive organisation to problem solving. Funding is not tied to specific projects and once issues are identifiedGOA has the ability to establish trials or activities in days not weeks or months.

Upon completion of this work the results are extended back to the industry in a timely manner. GOA’s key pathway is back through the FGM network. So potentially within six months of an issue being highlighted in one of the FGM solutions can be extended. Extension through advisors is an extremely efficient process as they rapidly disseminate this through their sphere of influence.

Key Contacts

Josiah May
Josiah May
Trails agronomist

Jos joined the GOA crew in May 2024. He studied at UNE & did his honours in...

Ben OBrien
Ben OBrien
Research and Extension Manager

Ben is our Research and Extension Manager and has been with the GOA team si...

Scott Boyd
Scott Boyd
Senior technical officer

Scott grew up on the mixed enterprise family farm halfway between Peak Hill and...