Gilgandra Spring Field Day – 13th Sep, 9am - 2pm.

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Gilgandra Spring Field Day – 13th Sep, 9am - 2pm.

Gilgandra Spring Field Day: 13th September, 9am - 2pm.

Hosted by local producers, with guest speakers from DPIRD, Grain Orana Alliance, industry and Local Land Services

This field day will feature the latest in agronomic advice across a range of topics and trial sites

Topics will include:

  • GRDC National Variety Trials for cereals, canola and lupins – Peter Matthews & Kathi Hertel (DPIRD)
  • Crop nutrition and the GRDC’s nitrogen strategy project – Ben O’Brien (GOA) and Tim Bartimote (LLS)
  • Crop disease: assessment and take-aways – Steven Simpfendorfer (DPIRD)

Location (GPS included)

Gilgandra – Inglewood, Avondale Rd


Lunch will be provided so please RSVP for catering purposes:

Tim Bartimote, Cropping Ag Advisor

0409 838 914


Rohan Leach, Mixed Farming Advisor

0417 021 795