Privacy Policy / Terms and Conditions
Disclaimer, Copyright and Web Links
The information and publications made available on this site are broad guides to aspects of business and franchising topics. They are solely intended to provide a general understanding of the subject matter and to help people assess whether they need more detailed information and assistance with their businesses.
The material on this site is not and should not be regarded as legal, investment or financial advice. Users should seek their own advice where appropriate.
Every effort is made to ensure that the material is accurate and up to date. However, Sherpa Group does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information provided.
All material on this site, unless otherwise identified, is copyrighted and the property of Sherpa Group. It is made available here to give you easy and quick access to information about Sherpa Group, its services and other useful information.
Web links
The web links shown on this site are to provide visitors with a range of useful references. These sites are not endorsed by Sherpa Group except to the extent that they may provide visitors with useful information that may assist them with their business or franchise.
Unless otherwise stated, these sites are not affiliated with or owned by Sherpa Group. Sherpa Group does not guarantee or warrant that the content of these sites is suitable to all visitors or free from applications that may cause damage to your computer system. Care should be taken when viewing these sites and you should carry out your own investigations.